








Kauai is known as the 'Garden Island'. Everything is green - the mountains, weeds, etc. In contract the dirt and rocks are primarily dark red. The sand background on this page is a photo of a beach on Kauai.

The first thing you notice when you step off the plane is the humidity. We have gotten used to the 14-17% dry humidity of the desert. On Kauai it was 90-95%. Whew! What a difference. Dave played golf twice and said it was hotter there at 85 degrees than it was at home at 110.

These photos are thumbnails - a lot more trouble to make, but gives you a faster loading time. Click on them to get the larger version.


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A banana tree.

See larger view.

The view from our condo.

See larger view.

Many times when we were on a mountain looking out, we were above the clouds. Here the clouds look like they are right over the water.

Larger view.

See larger view.

This appeared to be a giant Yucca tree. It is however a pineapple tree, without pineapples.

See larger view.
See larger view.
See larger view.

See larger view.

This is the entrance to a 'dry cave' - meaning no water in it. The rock formations were very unusual.

Lots of palms.

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