The Egyptian Museum was a mad-house. Picture hundreds of
groups of people. Each group has at least 1 tour leader who is trying to
describe the exhibits (in several languages), and they need to out-shout
the other guides so they can be heard. These groups are going in all
different directions, as there is no logical order to the place. Yes,
King Tut's exhibit is there; but I was glad I had seen it in Boston
where it was much more civilized. As in all museums, you are not allowed
to use a flash on your camera. Most all displays were behind glass, so
our photos are not as clear as I would like. |
Outside the Egyptian Museum. |
One of King Tut's chairs. |
This jar is to hold 'guts' from bodies that were going
to be mummified. |
Ramses II. |
Gold statues, part of the King Tut exhibit. |
Casket. |
King Tut mask. |
Gold belt pieces. |
One of Tut's guard dogs. |
Tut's carriage. |
King Tut's carrier. (What a life!) |
Condoms. |
Mummies and caskets. |
Pictures/Hieroglyphics. |